Category News

Travel Advisory for American Airlines from NAACP National

The NAACP has for several months been monitoring a pattern of disturbing incidents reported by African-American passengers, specific to American Airlines. In light of these confrontations, the NAACP issued a travel advisory on October 24, 2017 warning African Americans about…

Immigration Principles: NAACP National Statement

BALTIMORE (October 9, 2017) – The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), America’s oldest social justice organization, released the following statement in response to the immigration principles proposed by the Trump Administration yesterday. “Despite his insistence on preserving…

NAACP SLO County Youth Membership Recipient

Cal Poly 2017 graduate Cameron Andrews is the first local student sponsorship recipient for a one-year membership in the NAACP SLO County. Youth sponsorships were graciously donated from chapter members. While Cameron plans to head to Alaska through the AmeriCorps…

50/50 Day

On May 10, 2017, Cheryl Vines joined in global conversation about what will it take to get a more gender-balanced world in all sectors of our society: business, politics, culture, home and more. The event was free and was held…