Category Blog

Special Screening of the Film Marshall

The NAACP SLO County Branch sponsored a special screening of Marshall, a full-length movie tribute to the work of Thurgood Marshall. It was hosted by Downtown Centre Cinemas, San Luis Obispo. Nearly a full house attended the special screening. Synopsis:…

NAACP SLO County Inaugural Thank You Barbecue

The NAACP San Luis Obispo Branch 1st Annual (Thank You) Barbecue took place at Santa Rosa Park in San Luis Obispo on Saturday, September 30, 2017 from 11:00 AM – 4:00 PM. About 150 NAACP members, family, and friends feasted…

Issues Important to NAACP Members and Branches

Environment & Climate Justice Environmental injustice, including the proliferation of climate change, has a disproportionate impact on communities of color and low income communities in the United States and around the world. Historically, American society has failed to make the…

A change of heart … must come out of conviction.

“Unless we change individually, no one is going to change collectively. For generations we have been waiting for the other person to change first. A change of heart cannot be legislated; it must come out of conviction.” —Arun Gandhi Powered by Digital West

Digital West, a leading technology company, has partnered with NAACP SLO County, and will be providing Internet and database hosting for the chapter. Founded in 1999, Digital West is based in San Luis Obispo and serves customers across the U.S.…