NAACP SLO County Inaugural Thank You Barbecue

The NAACP San Luis Obispo Branch 1st Annual (Thank You) Barbecue took place at Santa Rosa Park in San Luis Obispo on Saturday, September 30, 2017 from 11:00 AM – 4:00 PM. About 150 NAACP members, family, and friends feasted on a barbecue chicken dinner with all the fixings, and kids also ate hot dogs for free!

The NAACP barbecue was a chance for the community to come together in celebration of the reactivation of the NAACP San Luis Obispo Branch. We celebrated the commitment of our community in its dedication to building a better future for all people! The barbecue celebration was a great chance to build teamwork and connections.

The afternoon’s activities included the BBQ with food provided by the NAACP community, table games, great entertainment, words from the NAACP SLO Branch President Stephen Vines. San Luis Obispo Mayor Heidi Harmon, and other community leaders, kid’s games, free books, and related activities.

Barbecue video by Preston Allen