Category National News

Year in review video

Link to Video I wanted to take a moment to wish you and your loved ones a Happy New Year and to thank you for supporting the NAACP year after year. In 2021, the pandemic continued to impact all of…

NAACP National News

  Black Enterprise:NAACP Acquires Part Ownership Stake in Hello Alice to Build Black Generational WealthAiming to build generational wealth for Black Americans, the NAACP has acquired a part ownership stake in the technology firm Hello Alice. The unprecedented action by…

Vote Every Election

Last year’s election proved what we already knew: the power of the Black vote makes all the difference. As we continue to advocate for better, safer and equitable communities, we have to do the work to ensure our elected offices…

Voter Registration Training!

Next Tuesday September 28 is National Voter Registration Day! National Voter Registration Day is the nation’s largest civic holiday dedicated to ensuring that every American is registered and ready to hit the polls. This all-units webinar will go over civic…

Remembering 9-11

Today marks 20 years since the terrifying attacks on September 11, 2001. Although time has passed, our memory of that day will live on forever. We will never forget where we were that morning when we heard the news. We…

Hey Black America

NAACP: Hey Black AmericaToday our National Director of Governance & Engagement, Quincy Bates, addresses the NAACP’s efforts in New Orleans, Louisiana.