

The NAACP’s Afro-Academic, Cultural, Technological and Scientific Olympics (ACT-SO) is a yearlong achievement program designed to recruit, stimulate, and encourage high academic and cultural achievement among African-American high school students.

  1. Afro-Academic, Cultural, Technological and Scientific Olympics (ACT- SO): The Committee on ACT-SO shall follow these rules: 
  2. must be properly registered annually with the National Office and follow all directives outlined by the National ACT-SO Program; 
  3. understand that it is a major project of the NAACP. With ACT-SO, the NAACP is providing an instrument through which African-American youth are encouraged and inspired toward excellence in academic and cultural pursuits while benefiting from the maximum support of their communities;
    1. uphold its goal of ACT-SO that affords the same respect for African-American Scholastic and cultural achievement that is given to heroes; and 
    2. recognizing that ACT-SO conducts annual academic competitions for students in grades nine (9) through twelve (12) in NAACP Branches throughout the country in accordance with the published guidelines of the National Office and oversight of the National Director of ACT-SO Program. 

Currently, we are building membership for this committee and outreach to the community to see how we can best support our students and youth. Please check out volunteer opportunities to join us on the journey towards youth empowerment and community action to uplift our youth as we collectively take strides towards liberation. As we strive to engage and build with the community by creating a space to address why ethnic studies are critical for all students. Let’s continue towards progress by learning and taking action together.

Here is a link to the website with a video explaining ACT-SO: NAACP | ACT-SO

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